• Miyako Island

Miyako soba noodle

Miyako soba noodle

 Food is one of the pleasures of travelling, but one thing that has never been more popular is Okinawan soba. Although soba are commonly known as fresh or dried Japanese noodles made from buckwheat flour, Okinawa soba is a unique evolution of Chinese noodles. Unlike ramen, many people do not like the unique noodles or the lightly flavoured soup. Like ramen, there are regional variations of Okinawa soba. Among them, Miyako soba from Miyako Island is like thin udon noodles and seems easy to eat. 
 While Okinawan soba noodles are thicker and frizzier, Miyako soba noodles are flat and made without the use of kansui (an alkaline salt solution). They go well with the light soup made from bonito stock. It is served with ingredients such as sanmainiku (three layers of pork sliced into cross-sections of meat skin, lean meat and fat) and sōki (pork ribs), which are usually hidden under the soba.
